was born in New Hampshire in 1989. He is our second oldest cat and has taken
on the role of being 'father' to all the other cats. He is exceptionally sweet
and loving and will wash their heads and sleep with his paws around them. He
loves to cuddle up with Sootfoot and Buddy or any human lap that might be available.
He purrs continually. Donatello came to us as a kitten surprise for my mom on
Mother's Day. He even has an "M" for "mother" on his forehead!
Donatello loves running water and likes to drop his tail into a sink full of
warm water. His nicknames are: Nah-nah and Father Acco.
Donatello recently had to have some of his teeth pulled which included his upper
fangs. Sometimes he has a hard time keeping his top lips over his bottom fangs.
Donatello goes to the vet for a checkup and a blood draw about every two months.
We are monitoring his liver enzymes which were high at one time. He takes milk
thistle pills to treat the problem and it seems to be working well. The enzyme
levels have dropped considerably. He also takes glucosamine/chondroitin pills
for his arthritis. This is working as well. Donatello still flies down the hallway
and bats his toys around.
We said goodbye to Donatello the day after Christmas 2005. His cancer was eating him up and he no longer could live a quality life so we made a hard decision to bring him to our veterinarian and have him put to sleep. He went to sleep peacefully in my arms.
in his young tomcat years.