discourage anyone from having their cat declawed. The process of
declawing involves removing the bone up to the first joint above
the claw. The cat is maimed for life after the operation, and it
is extremely painful for them. This procedure affects all cats differently.
Some cats become depressed. It makes it harder for the cat to balance
and jump from one object to another. Our little Faith still performs
the act of sharpening her claws on the sisal rope scratch post,
despite the fact that she doesn't have any. She has shimmied all
the way up to the top of this pole to our amazment. She does this
by hugging it with her front paws and digging in with her hind claws
as she races up. The alternative to declawing is to provide enough
things for your cat to scratch instead of the furniture. We have
carpeted shelves and rope scratch posts inside, and many logs, posts,
and trees outside for all our cats. This works exceptionally well.
Non of our cats scratch our furniture.
Faith had many furballs when we got her. She would not tollerate
us trying to cut them out. Soon after she was acclimated to living
here, we took her to our vet and he shaved her whole body except
for her head and legs. Hence she was lovingly dubbed the nick-name,
"Pom-Pom Head"! She was so happy to be shaved. Those furballs
were so uncomfortable. Her fur has grown back now and she grooms
it well, keeping it smooth and beautiful. The condition of a cat's
coat is a sign of the cat's well-being. Sick or depressed cats will
not groom their coat as often, if at all, and it will become matted
and dull. Cats experiencing a lot of anxiety will groom excessively
and even pull out their fur. Happy cats groom their coats moderately
which keeps them shiney and mat free.

Faith's favorite thing to do is leap up to grab flying objects!
The animation at the top of this page was made from a series of
photos (as seen in the 'filmstrip' above) taken of Faith leaping
up to catch tiny twigs we were throwing for her. These pictures
were taken just after Faith had been shaved.

and spooky playing chase around the hawthorn trees.

calm expression of happiness and well-being, loving life in her
new home.
