was wearing a pink flea color when I found him lying there on the
side of the road. I had just arrived at work in Pullman, Wa. when
my coworker told me she saw a cat get hit by the car in front of
her on her way into work. I asked when and where, and if he was
still alive after he got hit. Then I immediately jumped in my car
to find him. I thought for sure he would be dead. It had been a
half hour since he was hit. There he was, lying there in the gravel
under the hot summer sun. As I swung the car around I saw him struggling
to raise himself. He was panting rapidly, clearly in shock. One
of his eyes was red and bulging. I carefully put him on the passenger
seat and raced to the veterinary hospital at the Washington State
University. I thought he would die in my car during the 4 minute
trip to the hospital. He was throwing himself about. I ran inside
with him and in literally 10 seconds someone came and took him to
the intensive care unit. I waited for a little while at the hospital
then went back to work. I called a couple hours later and they said
he was stabile. That afternoon when I called they said that he started
crashing so they gave him a blood transfusion and that restabilized
Simon stayed in the ICU for about 3-4 weeks. His tail had to be
amputated and one of his front legs was broken and had to be pinned
with an external fixator - a splendid contraption compared with
the conventional plaster cast! Simon also had a broken jaw and did
not eat on his own. He had a feeding tube inserted into his esophagus
and had to be fed a cat food puree manually. His eye returned to
normal. When it was time for Simon to be discharged, I took him
home to his own recovery room. My mom and I took turns feeding him
through his tube and cleaning his skin around the tube and leg pins.
After the first week Simon was beginning to eat for the first time
through his mouth. The next week we brought him to WSU and they
removed his feeding tube. Every two weeks thereafter, we took him
to WSU for progress reports and checkups. After 8 weeks Simon was
starting to explore the house and meet the other cats. At 10 weeks,
the pins in his leg and external fixator were removed. Simon was
back to normal, minus a tail, which he didn't seem to miss. Soon
Simon discovered the cat door and took his first steps outside in
unfamiliar territory. He was so happy and raced back and forth among
the hawthorn trees and in and out through the cat door.
could never find Simon's original family. I posted signs around
where I found him and called the shelters and vet clinics to see
if anyone reported a missing cat. Because Simon technically had
no owners, his care at the WSU Veterinary Hospital did not cost
us any money. The money to care for him came from a special fund
for this type of circumstance.

with his external fixator holding the pins on his broken leg.
Simon loves to lay on laps and claw legs at suppertime as he begs
for a treat. He loves all the other cats and curls up with them
on the couch as if he has been here all his life. If there is any
sign of a cat brawl, he runs in to break it up. Although Simon appears
to be neutered, he doesn't think so and occasionally chooses a cat
(or a dog) to gaft a hold of. Perhaps the car accident has affected
that part of his brain??
