is a Manx. He has absolutely no tail, not even a stub! He came to
the vet clinic where I worked as a volunteer in 1999. He was a very
small kitten, shaking and trembling. He had been exposed to weed
killer or a similar poison. He was treated and then sent back home
to his owners. A week later he was back. His owners did not
want him because he wouldn't play with his toys!? Naturally, I brought
him home in a little box. He needed special care which may have
been the true reason why his owners did not want him. Minx had diarrhea
and needed to be bathed regularly. Eventually, Minx grew out of
this condition. However, he remaines small in size. He loves to
play with Spooky.
cats have been selectively bred over the years for the desired deformity:
lack of a tail. Because of their deformity, Manx cats are known
to have nerve problems which affect their bowels, and sometimes
even their hind legs.
